Thursday, December 6, 2012

You'll get it Lyssa, you'll get it.

As a few of you may know, I have been having a violently painful battle with movies. Well, that's a little dramatic.
 Basically: I have always hated swearing. I have lived in California twice, and I have always been around some type of swearing. Before I joined homeschool, I was insensitive to swearing- but as time has passed I have been able to clear my mind. And now swear words, when heard by my poor homeschooled mind, sear my earlobes and make me want to curl up in a corner.

I had a friend inspire me beyond comparison. My dear friend Sierra Brooksby and I went to see the new Avengers movie. We had been dying to watch it for months. As we were watching, I noticed she walked out after 3 swear words, and I followed after 5. I have no idea how the movie ended (it can't be any different from every other action movie), but I am so glad we made that decision. I wouldn't trade it for a million movie tickets. I don't think I would have walked out if I were by myself.

Because of this, I have had many people very dear to me that I love question my mental health (not really, but you get the point :P) and batter me with every reason why I am being completely ridiculous and wasting money. I guess I am, but what is worth more, a movie ticket or my soul? (another dramatic statement, I guess I'm in a mood today). I understand where these people are coming from, but it hurts me to think that you do not trust my judgement of what I want in my mind, enough to allow me to make this decision. I know, you have a million reasons why I'm wrong, but trust me. At least I know God's on my side, if no one else will be.

If you are someone who battered me reading this now: I still love you!! Please don't hate me, ok? 

 While my values and tolerance have changed, my circumstance hasn't. This is particularly painful because my dad (whom I see maybe 2 times a month) has always used watching movies or going to a theater as ways to spend time with my brother and I. This wouldn't be a problem, except that the movies my dad and brother like tend to have minimum courtesy for the innocent minded, swearing strongly included. For a while I just tolerated it, would "go get a drink" during the violent parts, or strongly suggest the newest Disney cartoon. But as time went on, it became harder and harder to avoid watching the bad movies- so I had to say something. 

This was kind of a turning point for me. My dad brought out the new movie my brother got for his birthday: AVENGERS.(seriously, universe? you had to pick that movie??) I nicely tried to suggest we watch Brave "for the kids", but he insisted. So I basically had to state it bluntly that I would not watch any movies that have immorality or more swearing then the average PG rated show. He questioned me, but eventually agreed to disagree, and has kindly respected my wishes ever since. Except for the occasional " I want to take you to a movie, but we wouldn't be able to watch anything" (which kind of hurts my heart to hear how it distresses him) things have gone pretty smoothly. 

That's my story so far, I'll be sure to update if anything else interesting happens pertaining to my "movie extravaganza". 


  1. That is so cool! Not that you're having inner troubles, but the fact that you are having inner troubles. (If that makes any sense.)It's not cool that you have troubles but your reason for being troubled is neat. I find it particularly difficult to "walk out" when I find myself in an atmosphere that I don't welcome, so I choose instead to just not put myself in those circumstances to begin with. Because of this, I've had a lot of people badger me and question my motives. It's inspiring to know that I'm not the only one in my group of friends who has this problem. :D
    Thanks Lyssa!

  2. Alyssa, I love you! I so needed to hear this right now. I've been wondering forever if swear words really are that bad. I know in my heart that if someone takes the name of my God in vain, I ought to walk out, I ought to say something, and if people are continually swearing, I shouldn't watch the movie, but I always end up justifying it, you know?
    So here's my commitment, thanks to your blog: I will walk out, or turn it off, too. :)

  3. Lyssa, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you, and glad I could be a part of it. Hopefully we can get more people on board :)

  4. I've been meaning to comment for ages. I agree so entirely. I feel really strongly that language has a bigger impact than we think. I've always worried that maybe this was maybe because I've been homeschooled, and not around people who swear often. You reminded me that it's not just an issue of being used to it. Thanks. :)

  5. Thanks Rachel, That's awesome :)

  6. Alyssa, I stumbled upon your blog today. Thanks for posting this. This post makes me think quite a bit. Like you said you once were, I currently feel very insensitive to swearing. I tend to justify it because I know I will more likely than not always be exposed to swearing. I know from much experience that the use of language in the media and those around you does rub off on you. The habits of others can cause you to gain those habits, as well. I do feel like people can never completely escape from swearing. Perhaps, though, I should make more of an effort to completely rid of it in my own language and minimize it in other outside sources. Thanks for helping me think through this, Alyssa. :)
