Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Are Mormons Christian?" part 1

So is the question stated by many a religious philosopher, teacher, and anyone who cares enough to ask. Mormons certainly believe in Christ, but are they Christian? There have been many arguments for and against.

What brought this up you might ask?

Well, I have found a new hobby of looking up anti-Mormon propaganda to try to understand what arguments and logic people use to "prove" The LDS church is a hoax. For me, I have been raised in the church, gone to Primary and Sunday school, learned the lessons and gained a testimony for myself that this church is the only true and everlasting church.  Because of that, It is hard for me to completely understand why and how people don't believe. And that bugs me. A LOT.

So I have been surfing the web the last few weeks, looking for anything of worth about why people dislike the LDS church so much. A very common topic I found was if Mormons are Christian. I guess Mormonism has been at the front of everyones minds lately, with Mitt Romney running for president earlier this month, and The Broadway play 'The Book of Mormon: The Musical' (which I hear is horribly mocking of the LDS religion) made by the same creators of 'Jersey Shore'.

This has the basic story line of the play, if you are curious.

I also found this article from the New York Times that was written by a Member, stating that he is Mormon, but not Christian. it is a pretty short article- I suggest reading the whole thing. It really get's your mind thinking.

Before I leave, I want to make one thing CLEAR: I am NOT trying to convince you to abandon the LDS church. I am not trying to instill doubt of any sort. This is just simple studies sprouting from a teen's curiosity to understand. 

Just in case I get sued :) 

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