Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello everyone!

Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I saw all my friends starting blogs, so I thought, why can't I? (good moral to live life by, right? :P) I should probably tell you a bit about myself so some of my posts will make more sense.

My name is Alyssa Rose Hokanson

I am 15 (I bet you didn't know that)

At this moment I take classes online and a few co-op classes, I also take seminary at the local High School

I have 6 siblings: 2 brothers and 4 sisters (they are all simply adorable)

I love anything artistic, particularly painting, sketching, dancing, self-defense, music, and making accessories

I love public speaking and debating (I told you I was weird!)

I love love LOVE reading (even though I rarely have time for it lately)

I have a deathly fear of lobsters. Yes, LOBSTERS. They are creepy! *shiver*

I've been in love twice in my entire life

I love Mexican food- well, pretty much everything about Mexico. The food, culture, music, people, colors, excruciating heat, Mexican sodas, and of course the memories I have there!

Enough for one post? I think so.

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